without harsh products or downtime
without surgery or injections
The signs of aging are NOT a consequence of getting older. They are a form of communication, from your body, letting you know it needs you to make some necessary changes for optimal health and function. It’s true!
Anti-Aging Facts.
Anti-aging treatments (most of them) fight the body and can actually speed up the aging process
Anti-Aging is a marketing term, not a corrective solution
Anti-aging is like taking your bucket to the fountain of youth, then realizing your bucket is full of holes (your bucket is the esthetics, spa, and medspa industries)
Age Reversal Facts.
Age Reversal is possible when we work with the body, rather than fighting it by using aggressive products and procedures
Age reversal treatments are cumulative and do not cause negative side effects or downtime when done properly
Age reversal must be done a specific way, and guess what ~ the esthetics, spa, and medspa industries have no idea how to do it. But I know how.
My Natural Skin Correction and Age Reversal Programs are NOT for everyone, this is by design.
If you are looking for a quick fix and/or do not want to take responsibility for your own health, we are not in alignment to work together.
I only accept clients who are coachable and committed to learning sacred methods of healthy longevity.
We need to replace the routines and habits that are causing your body and skin to age, and replace them with more appropriate choices for your body and lifestyle.
Wrinkles are only permanent when you’re committed to keeping them.
Do what the body is asking of you, and your body will reward you with better health and a more youthful appearance.
A Dose of Truth Serum.
Skin care companies love to create dramatic stories about finding a new species of fruit promising to make you look younger .
Sometimes they like to create stories around an amazing cosmetic chemist who supposedly figured out a way to trick the body into functioning even better than our Creator’s design.
This type of storytelling hype is created to sell you things that you don’t need.
I’m a straight shooter and refuse to beat around the bush or support the bold face lies that plague the spa, skin, and sick care industries… the reason my book is titled Betrayal By The Billions.
A Few Facts About Your Body…
it does not function on trends (despite the marketing gurus’ claims)
it is designed to heal itself (remember your cut that bled , scabbed over, then disappeared while you were asleep?)
it does not have wrinkles or a loss of elasticity due to a lack of poison that will keep your face frozen in place (did you know that when someone is in a coma, physical therapy will come into your room and exercise your body for you so it doesn’t atrophy-- well isn’t that an interesting little tidbit?! )
you don’t have a headache due to a lack of headache meds in your bloodstream, the headache is a message from your body (like when your gas light or check engine light comes on -- it’s letting you know your car needs attention. Your body is so much smarter than your car!)
the signs of aging will go away without a bunch of smoke and mirrors (with Ancient Chinese Secrets and I know a ton of them)