Online Education + Mentorship Programs For Wellness Focused Chiropractors & Estheticians

  • For Practitioners Who Dare To Be Different!

    The body provides information via symptoms. Learn to decipher the clues to offer the ultimate healing experience for your practice.

    Daoist Chinese medicine does not believe in labeling patients with diagnoses that often leave them feeling helpless.

    We believe everyone has the ability to be in control of the way they look, feel, and age.

    The way we feed our body, mind, and spirit will take us closer to wellness or further away from it.

    *not all Chinese medicine is created equal…these teachings do not include herbs, needles, supplements, drugs, or topical products!

  • Work With The Body ~ Don't Fight it!

    Symptoms and skin conditions mean the body has one or more body systems out of balance.

    Communication begins with the emotions related to a specific body system.

    When ignored, the body’s communication goes from a whisper to much louder, in the form of more serious illnesses and diseases.

    The location of pain, an acne breakout, digestive issues, menopause, or a headache tells a unique story. Everything tells a story.

    Skin conditions, including line and wrinkles, will not manifest if the body is in balance.